Hello people ,

Yes, I have been really busy with school work these days and haven’t posted anything since a long time . Ahh , I have barely started this blog a month back and I am already neglecting it . However  , I have decided to keep my word of at least 1 good post a week (I hope I am able to do so).12th grade isn’t easy afterall . Phew !!!

Celebration moment – I have been nominated for 2 awards !! Yes , I am very happy because this is my first nomination on WordPress . All thanks , to Karen for nominating me. Her blog Shade but no shade , is amazing , and it is truly versatile . Her posts are really good and thought provoking , and can truly  cheer up someone . She has been really supportive , and I am glad that I came across her on WordPress.

Those of you who haven’t read her blog yet , please do !!


5 random facts about me –

1. I love pandas.

2. I have trust issues .

3. I like food , any food.

4. I love sleep and pizza.

5. I love travelling .

Her questions :

1. What is your wake up song (if you don’t have one, what would be)?

Ans-   The alarm which just starts ringing like a bulldozer in the morning …

2. If you can be in one classic scary movie, which one would it be and what would be your smartest hiding spot?

Ans-  Grudge !!! I would probably be in the swimming pool bathroom the whole time .

3. You stumbled upon favorite 90’s TV show. You are invited to be a study for one of the characters. Which one would you choose? What drew you to that specific person/thing?

Ans- I would choose Tom and jerry .. I would like to study jerry , because I loved him when I was a kid. (but then I soon realized that he was just a badass!!)

4. What is your top go to foods that make you feel happy and guilty all at once?

Ans- Cheesecake!! I feel guilty every time I eat it , but then , who refuses a cheesecake ? ( I thought of pizza , but then , I am never guilty for eating it )
5. You are stuck in a new city, or a new country for a week. What do you have with you to make it a great time?

Ans- Just the city/country map , and I am all set!!
6. What’s your biggest obsession?

Ans- My dreams and ambitions !! I am obsessed with those thoughts.
7. In your area, where’s the best place to go to lunch?

Ans- Well , there are manyyy out here !! By my personal favourite is Copper Chimney  .
8. If you had one chance to change your entire wardrobe, would you call a foodcelebrity specialist or take the $10,000 gift card?

Ans- Foodcelebrity.

9. What is your best casual outfit to wear with friends, to a bar, to parties?

Ans- I don’t have any best casual outfit . I wear whatever I want to.

10. If you could switch places with anyone in the world, who would it be and why?

Ans- Swirch place with anyone in Hogwarts , and my life will done for !!

My questions –

1. What is your wake up song (if you don’t have one, what would be)?

2. If you can be in one classic scary movie, which one would it be and what would be your smartest hiding spot?

3. You stumbled upon favorite 90’s TV show. You are invited to be a study for one of the characters. Which one would you choose? What drew you to that specific person/thing?

4. What is your top go to foods that make you feel happy and guilty all at once?

5. You are stuck in a new city, or a new country for a week. What do you have with you to make it a great time?

6. What’s your biggest obsession?

7. In your area, where’s the best place to go to lunch?

8. If you had one chance to change your entire wardrobe, would you call a foodcelebrity specialist or take the $10,000 gift card?

9. What is your best casual outfit to wear with friends, to a bar, to parties?

10. If you could switch places with anyone in the world, who would it be and why?

Rule for Creative Blogger Award:
Post 5 random facts about ourselves and nominate others.

The rules for Liebster:

1. Make a post thanking and linking the person who nominated you.

2. Include the Liebster Award sticker in the post.

3. Nominate 10 other bloggers who you feel are worthy of this award.

4. Answer the ten questions asked to you by the person who nominated you, and make ten questions of your own for your nominees.

5. Copy these rules in the post.


Nominees :

Well , I guess a lot of you have already been nominated for this . So , for a change ,anyone  who comments on this post  and wants to get nominated will be put up on this post under this section.